Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gulfway- week 2

Ok so I know I am a little late on this post but here ya go:

Last Wednesday was my first actual service with the REACH students. Now in times past I have never had a worship band so I was pretty excited to hear these guys and girls. I had put away all expectations and just let the spirit of God take over in my thoughts and heart about how they would sound, and dear Lord, was it awesome! The lead singer I promise you sounds so much like Misty Edwards it's not even funny. For the first time in a long time, I was so pumped for the soon to come service. The worship that ensued was one that was nothing shy of incredible!

It had been a long time since I had heard Pastor Brandon Doss speak, so I was obviously anxious to hear my supervisor chase after the heart of God in a sermon, and boy did he deliver?! He preached about having unstopable courage, which for me is something I am interested in knowing seeing as there are several attacks coming at me as I serve the kingdom.

I was talking with my girlfriend earlier this week and she said something to me that just gave me chills for the rest of the day, something that showed she had that unstopable courage. She has personally been going through some issues at home and her statement to me was, "Devin, I know who is beneath my feet, and who I run to and praise with my every heartbeat." Never in my life have I been so encouraged to keep pressing on serving the kingdom!

We got the chance Thursday to have our first student internship where we learned some new kids church songs, I lead a devotional talking about the cost of being a disciple, and then we went got something to eat, and chilled at the beach playing some football and having a good time in the water. What a great time to get to fellowship and build some relationships with students!

After just two weeks I have learned so much about the practical side of ministry and what internship is all about. I have learned it is about loving the people in your life and God at the same time you wake up just to serve! After all, my Saviour was the biggest and best servant that ever lived!

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