Friday, June 18, 2010

The Remnant

Ok so I am reading this book right now called "The Remnant" by Larry Stockstill. And while it was a book I had to read for my internship here at Gulfway, I have to say it's taught me some pretty cool stuff! The book focused on restoring integrity to American ministry. Which in my 2 years of ministry, this is something that is definatley needed!
The first 5 chapter of the book are all about the dysfunctional church. I've always heard about there being problems in todays American church but never figured someone to write a book on it! He starts out by talking about being a mentor for the unfathered church. Basically talking about the importance of being a mentor. In it he states that mentorship is something that is crucial to the growth and devolpment of the church. I completly agree! He then shifts into talking about standars for the uncorrected church. Throughout this short chapter, he spends a lot of time talking about the cure being accountability and standars through the prohpets. In this he also uses a lot of scripture to back up everything talked about. Which for me was very comforting, because I have read a lot of books that barely even acknowledged the Bible! Dysfunction number 3 is primarily dealing with the unfruitful church. In this he stresses that a solution would be to focus more on multiplying evangelism! He even offers 4 helpful tips on the biblical principles of evangelism. And it is mentioned that it is up to us as pastors to lead the charge against the gates of Hell, to win the lost! Which after all, is one of the main reasons we are here for. My favorite chapter of the first part of this book was chapter 4, healing for the unhealed church. It seems that often times all people want to do is talk about the negative and not desire to do anything to help it! Well Pastor Stockstill devoted a whole chapter about healing that broken church. In this chapter, he invites us to study more deeply the wounds of Christ. (His brow, His back, His hands, His feet, His head, and His side) All which was done so that we may live! He says that studying this we can recieve faith for deliverance in every area of our lives! This was such an encouraging chapter! The final chapter for part 1 is talking about the scriptures for the untaught church. He says that the cure for this would be better teaching of the Holy Scriptures. A pastor cannot pastor effectively without proper teachingm and the only teaching that will transform peoples hearts and minds is the Bible.
Part 2: The Ten Commandments of Ministry. After part one I was thinking ok so what do I do now? Well Pastor Stockstill explained in full! Those commandments were: prayer, bible study, integrity, purity, example, relationships, philosophy, faith, spiritual warfare, and wisdom. But I want to focus in on 3 specific ones: prayer, purity, and example.
Prayer, it seems, is a step that when pastors are going through a tough time, forget to do. Well this chapter draws us all back to it. He says we all know the power of prayer, so why not use it?! He gets into talking about the Tabernacle prayer, which i thought was pretty cool because I had never heard of such thing. But apparently it is what happens and what people saw as they were walking into the tabernacle. The Brazen Altar (the cross), the laver (sanctification), the Holy Spirit and His role, and so much more. But it was really neat getting to piece together a puzzle that I believe God has longed for us to see. My favorite part of this chap. was the part about prayer and fasting! In the very first words, he says, "prayer is energized by fasting." He talks a lot about the importance of it, and some possible struggles some may face.
Purity- I have always heard that sexual sin is one thing that will ruin everything about a minsiters life. In it he gives numerous accounts of people who have fallen into that trap, and the struggle it is to get back up. Once again more and more scripture was used during his explanation of what purity actually is. It literally means "uncontaminated," free from outside corruption. The importance of purity is crucial in minstry! It is something that must constantly be in the front of our minds, thoughts, and actions. The Bible gives a clear standare for moral purity in 1 Cor. 6:9-11. It even offers some purity recommendations. Most of which are plain and obvious, but several that were very interesting.
Example- commandment number 5. This word literally means to be imitated, or to mimic. He mentions in this chapter being an example in your work, in your community, and in your family. And the importance of all 3. This chapter taught me a lot because often times I struggle to practice what I preach. I mean, how can I be an example if I can barely practice what I teach week in and week out? It taught me that our example is everything! How we live, act, and even think in every aspect of life. I was really challenged after finishing this chapter, now I know what to do, and how I am going to do it!

All in all, a very good book! While it isn't that long, and took me a long time to read it. I am so thankfull I did. I would def. reccommend this book to anyone who feels they have a calling on their lives to be a minister of the Gospel.

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